This view of Fall8850a.txt Winsteps results has been visited
before. The difference is that now I have an idea of what the charts are
showing in three ways:

1. The plot of student abilities for the rating scale analysis passes directly through the zero logit location indicating a good convergence. 2. The plots for student abilities and item difficulties are perfectly straight lines (considering my rounding errors), which again shows a good convergence. 3. The two lines are parallel, another indicator of a good convergence.
Culling increased the distribution spread to higher values for both analyses,
as shown in the previous post. The plot of student abilities for culled partial credit did not pass through the zero logit location. Removing 7 students and 7 items has resulted in a poor convergence.
The item difficulty plots for the partial credit analysis
are very different from those from the rating scale analysis. Here items
starting convergence with the same difficulty can end up at various ending
locations. The lowest and the highest locations are plotted for each item.
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