The past posts have been concerned with how IRT analysis
works when using different ways to estimate latent student ability locations and
item difficulty locations. So far it seems that with good data a student
ability location and an item difficulty location, at the same point on the
logit scale, do represent comparable values. They will never make a perfect fit
as that can only happen if the student ability and item difficulty
distributions have means of 50% or zero logits and they have the same standard deviation
or spread.
The perfect Rasch IRT model can never be completely
satisfied. Winsteps, therefore, contains several features to remove data that
“do not look right”. For this post, students and items more than two logits
away from the bubble chart means were removed (that is more than about two
standard deviations). The Fall8850a.txt file with 50 students and 47 items (no
extreme values) was culled by 7 students and 7 items to 43 students and 40

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